Contact Us

Call Us: For general questions or concerns, please contact your Haven Savings Bank branch or call 855.903.2479, Monday – Friday, 9am to 5pm (PT).

Write to Us Online: Submit a message to us anytime using the online form below, and we will respond by our next business day, Monday – Friday, 9am to 5pm (PT). For security and privacy reasons, please do not include any personal or financial information in your message such as a Social Security number, username, password, account number(s), or credit card number(s).

Visit Us: Stop by any of our branch locations, Monday – Friday, 9am to 5pm (PT). We will be happy to serve you.

Lost or Stolen Debit Card: To report a lost or stolen debit card during business hours, contact your branch or call 844.269.1031, Monday – Friday, 9am to 5pm (PT). For assistance after hours, call 855.326.4459, or if you are traveling internationally, call 614.564.5105.



Monday – Friday, 9am to 5pm (PT)

Online Banking

Loan Servicing

Haven Savings Bank is based in California and
accounts opened online are subject to California law.




Holiday Schedule